DesignBuilder combines advanced simulation with the fastest 3D modeling technology on the market, allowing architects, engineers, and energy specialists to quickly obtain the necessary data.
Most Common Uses:
- comprehensive dynamic building simulations using the EnergyPlus calculation engine,
- building certification (e.g., LEED, BREEAM, Green Star),
- thermal comfort assessment,
- 3D geometry creation for EPC calculations,
- multi-criteria optimization,
- daylight calculation,
- environmental assessment,
- lifecycle cost analysis,
- CFD analysis of internal and external spaces.
DesignBuilder Enables You To:
- easily compare different design alternatives,
- optimize building design at any stage according to client requirements,
- quickly model even complex buildings,
- easily import existing BIM and CAD designs,
- generate impressive visualizations and short films,
- simplify dynamic simulation work using the EnergyPlus calculation engine.
DesignBuilder Includes the Following 11 Modules:
- 3-D Modeler: basic module for efficient 3-D building modeling.
- Visualization: rendered views and shading analysis.
- Certification: EPCs and Part-L2 (UK and Ireland only).
- Simulation: EnergyPlus simulations for energy consumption and thermal comfort analysis.
- Daylight: detailed daylight calculations.
- HVAC: detailed HVAC system simulations using HVAC simulation in EnergyPlus.
- Costs: lifecycle cost analysis in the early project stages.
- LEED: calculations according to LEED EAp2 and ASHRAE 90.1.
- Optimization: advanced multi-criteria analysis of various measures using genetic optimization.
- EMS: Allows user-defined adjustments in calculations through EMS scripting.
- CFD: enables detailed analysis of temperature, pressure, thermal comfort, airflow velocity, etc., within building interiors. It also allows calculations of airflow velocity and pressure conditions in external environments.